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Who We Are

Ines Mondon-Ford
Photographer & SIGMA Brand Ambassador
Mark James Ford
Photographer & SIGMA Brand Ambassador

About Us

Beauty is there, waiting to be found, in all things ...

Combining nearly 50 years of photography experience, we want to capture and show the amazing beauty that is our natural World.

As Astrophotography.Art, we turn our focus from the wonderful minutiae of our terrestrial world to the awe inspiring magnificentia of the cosmos in which we but fleetingly live.

25 years developing my photographic and post production skills have finally prepared me for an exquisite journey, together with Ines, into the world of astrophotography.

"Beauty is there, waiting to be found, in all things ..." an underlying motto behind much of our earlier work, remains as true and relevant as ever. Such beauty there is in the comos: Great swathes of light building the magnifcentia of our universe ...

Bringing this beauty and awe to a final image lies at the heart of my work and Astrophotography.Art


From photographing and documenting weather phenomena, through nature and macro-photography, to the wonderful challenge of astrophotography. Inspired, or perhaps infected, by Mark’s passion for astrophotography, I have joined the magical journey to the stars, to distant galaxies and strange nebulae. A photographic journey, with the objective to create images that are singularly beautiful and touching, images that are so much more than “just a photograph”.


Latest Work

NGC 6727
NGC 6727 - ASTROBIN Image Of The Day 14.08.2024

What Can We Tell You About

The term Deep Sky Astrophotography refers to image acquisition of objects (usually nebulae and galaxies) that are barely visible, if not completely invisible to the naked eye.  The further away an object is, the fainter it usually is, and the “deeper” the corresponding image will have to be to make it visible.  This often requires very many hours of image acquisition with highly sensitive precision equipment, in order to reveal, through careful post production, the majesty and beauty of the chosen target.   For this reason, along with the vagaries of the weather in Europe, completed images are collected slowly and several months may pass before a new image is added to this website.

In all of our work, it is the emotional response to the subject at hand which is most important to us. We aim to capture and show the inherent beauty of a particular motif. As such, the Deep Sky Objects displayed here, particularly nebulae, are often colour mapped to enhance and make visible structures and nuances that otherwise would be lost, or that are otherwise not visible to the naked eye.  Whilst remaining faithful to the subject at hand, to further enhance the view of a particular Deep Sky Object, stars may be reduced or removed completely.

Workshops and tutorials regarding astrophotography and/or post production (esp. Adobe Photoshop) (as well as for macro photography) can be arranged for both individuals and groups.  These are highly tailored to the specific needs of the recipients and as such may be held by Mark, Ines or both of us together.

Dark sky workshops can be arranged on location in Croatia.

Contact us for further details.

Pictures are available to purchase directly from the shop as a strictly limited, single copy edition. These gallery quality, true photographs are mounted on matt (non-reflecting) acrylic, with a thin bounding frame and an aluminium hanging frame added behind the picture (see shop for more details). Images are shipped world-wide.

Pictures are routinely licensed for third party use in magazines or books, contact us for further details.

We are both prize winning nature photographers, with many publications in books and magazines to our name. More information regarding this aspect of our photography can be found here: Ines (German), Mark

Ines also specialises in family photography – Her work has been documented here (German).

As long time users of both SIGMA cameras and lenses and as recognised photographers within our fields, we are both Brand Ambassadors for SIGMA Germany.  We use native and modified SIGMA cameras for our astrophotography. More information can be found in the articles section of this website. 

As an extension to images we have acquired ourselves, we are proud to introduce images derived from RAW data captured in remote hosting facilities in Chile and the US. This expands not just the targets available to us in terms of location but also to targets more suited to considerably longer focal length telescopes.  The telescopes are specifically a Planewave CDK17 (2939mm) and a Planewave CDK24 (3969mm), with data provided by Martin Pugh. Of course, the final images retain our own special touch.

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