The third image from the November 22 tour, the Rosetta Nebula is a target to which one willingly returns.  It lies within Monoceros approximately 5200 ly from Earth and spans a distance of 1.3 degrees in the night sky. In contrast to the Ha “Flaming Sky” image, data from sulphur-II (yellow) and oxygen-III (blue) narrowband filters combine here with the red hydrogen-alpha data to give a wonderful view of so many details and structures. This image is part of the “Colours” Showcase.

Celestron RASA 11″ 
10Micron GM1000 HPS 
SIGMA fp L (monochrome) / SIGMA fp (colour)
H-alpha / S-II / O-III ultra-fast narrowband filters
ca. 2.5 hrs, ISO 1600, F2.2, 620mm 

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