A highlight of any summer night is a view of the milky Way under a dark sky. The SIGMA 15mm F1.4 FishEye provides a massive field of view, perfect to capture the Milky Way in its entirety, here as seen at Hakos, Namibia (23°S). Here the bright center of the galaxy lies overhead in the constellation of Sagittarius and to the left and below the Rho Ophiuchi Complex (in Scorpius). undr such a dark sky many dust clouds and dark nebulae are visible.  The Milky Way, is believed to contain between 100 to 400 billion stars, with the Earth being located ca. 27000 light years from the galactic center, which contains the massive black hole Sagittarius A*.  The dark clouds which lie along the line of the Milky Way are made of interstellar dust. 

SIGMA 15mm F1.4 FishEye
10Micron GM1000 HPS
SIGMA fp (colour)
92 Sec, ISO 1250, F1.4, 15mm 

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