Taken at our favourite dark sky location in Croatia, 10.5 hrs of hydrogen-alpha (red), sulphur-II (yellow) and oxygen-III (blue) emission data are composed into this rendition. The Lion Nebula is a relatively faint emission nebula lying between the constellations of Cepheus and Lacerta. It shows the power of modern imaging technologies to make beautiful deep sky structures accessible. Estimates place it around 11,000 ly from Earth. To the bottom left of the image the small planetary nebula Abel 79 is clearly visible. The image is part of the “Colours” showcase.

Celestron RASA 11″ 
10Micron GM1000 HPS 
SIGMA fp L (monochrome)
H-alpha, S-II and O-III ultra-fast narrowband filters
ca. 10,5 hrs, ISO 400/1600, F2.2, 620mm 

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